中国社会科学院哲学研究所是我国哲学学科的重要学术机构和研究中心。其前身是中国科学院哲学社会科学部哲学研究所。历任所长为潘梓年、许立群、邢贲思、汝信(兼)、陈筠泉、李景源、谢地坤。中华人民共和国成立前,全国没有专门的哲学研究机构。为了适应社会主义改造和建设事业发展的需要... ... <详情>
1.姓名: 周穗明
2.工作单位 中国社会科学院哲学所
3.地址: 100732 中国 北京建国门内大街5号
1973-1976 就读华南师范学院政教系
1976-1979 广东省政府科教办干事
1979-1982 华南师范大学哲学所硕士研究生, 1982年取得哲学硕士学位
1982-1985 华南师范大学哲学研究所任教,1983年获讲师职称
1985-1988 中国人民大学哲学系博士研究生,1988年取得哲学博士学位
1988-2001 中央编译局当代马克思主义研究所工作,1990年获副研究员职称,1995年获研究员职称
2001-现在 中国社会科学院研究员,2001年-2006年在马列所工作,2006年起在哲学所工作
6. 学术职称: 研究员
7. 专业领域: 政治哲学 西方新马克思主义
8. 研究项目
2001-2003 主持国家社会科学基金项目:“20世纪西方新马克思主义发展史”,已结项并出版;
2002-2005 主持中国社科院 B类重大课题:“20世纪末西方新马克思主义的发展”,已结项并出版;
2009起, 主持中国社科院重大课题:“当代西方政治哲学史”;
9. 其他学术职务与荣誉
1998 获国务院突出贡献政府特殊津贴
2002-2005 任中国社会科学院正高级职称评定委员会(哲学片)成员
(1) 主要著作
《20世纪西方新马克思主义发展史》(上下), 学习出版社,2004年(主持人兼主撰);
(2) 主要译著
《再分配,还是承认?一个政治哲学对话》(Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange),上海人民出版社,2009年;
《思想家——当代哲学的创造者们》(Man of Ideas—creators of contemporary philosophy),三联书店,1987年(第一译者,与翁寒松合译)。该书至2004年,在国内已经再版6次;从1993年至今,已在香港、台湾出多个版本;
《心灵的习性——美国人的心理习惯》(Habits of the Heart),三联书店,1991年(第一译者,与翁寒松合译);
A.《正义的尺度——全球化世界中政治空间的再认识》(Scales of Justice, 2008);
B.《伤害+侮辱——争论中的再分配、承认和代表权》(Adding Insult to Injury: Nancy Fraser with Her Critics,2009);
C.《正义的中断——对“后社会主义”状况的批判性反思》(Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the "Postsocialist" Condition,1997);
D.《再分配,还是承认?一个政治哲学对话》(Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange,2003)
(3) 主要论文
《“新马克思主义”百年纵横的历史总结与理论探讨》, 载《马克思主义研究》2003年第1期;
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information:
1.Family name Zhou
2.First name Suiming
3.Nationality P. R. China
4.Gender Female
Professional Date
1. Name and address of work
Tel , Fax, E-mail
Tel.: 0086-10-62712127; 13020034253
Fax: 0086-10-62712127
2. Brief statement of scientific career
1973-1976 Graduated from
1976-1979 Government Official, Guangdong Province Government of China (Scientific and Educational office)
1982-1985 Lecturer,
1985-1988 Ph.D. (philosophy), Department of Philosophy, China People’s University
1988-2001 Associate Research Fellow in 1990 and Senior Research Fellow (Professor) in 1995, Central Translation Bureau of
2001-present Senior Research Fellow (Professor) in
3. Academic title Professor (Philosophy)
4. Field of specialization Political Philosophy,Theory and History of Western Neo-Marxism, Philosophy of Social Science
5. Research projects
Take Charge of the Project issued by National Foundation-- “Western Left’s Critique on Western Modernization”, 1996-1999 (Completed and Published).
Take Charge of the Project issued by National Foundation—“The History of Western Neo-Marxism in 20th Century”, 2000-2003 (Completed and Published).
Take Charge of the Momentous Program(B)issued by CASS (CHINESE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES)-- “Evolvement of Western Neo-Marxism in late 20 Century”, 2002-2005 (Completed and Published).
Take Charge of the Momentous Program(B)issued by CASS-- “ Western Lefts on Evolvement of Social Structure in Contemporary West”, 2005-2007 (Completed and Published).
Take Charge of the Momentous Program issued by CASS--“The History of Political Philosophy in Contemporary West”, 2009-2012.
6. Fellowships and Honors
1998 Got the Title“National Specialist with Eminent Contribution”, Awarded by the State Council of P. R. China
2002-2005 Appointed the Member of a Committee Which Assess and Confirm the Qualification of Senior Research Fellow (Professor) in CASS
Summer 2006- present
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Social Science in Southwest University of Finance and Economics; Visiting Professor,
Autumn 2006 Visiting Professor of Graduate Faculty of Marxism in
7. Knowledge of languages I can read, hear, write, speak in English, making academic exchanges with western scholars.
8. Main publications
I have been already published 20 books and more than 240 papers since 1982, lately main publications include:
A. Books
(1) The Evolvement of Western Neo-Marxism in late 20 century; Study Press,
(2) The Evolvement History of Western Neo-Marxism in 20th Century (2 Vol.), Study Press,
(3) Modernization: History, Theory and Reality--Critique on Western Modernization, Central Broadcast and Television Press, Beijing, published in 2002
(4) The Forerunners of Neo-Marxism, Central Translation Press,
(5) The Western Lefts on Evolvement of Social Structure in the Contemporary West, (Editor-in-Chief), Jiangsu People’s Publishing Company,published in 2008
B. Translation Books
(1) Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange (Author: Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth),Shanghai People's Publishing Company,published in 2009
(2) Habits of the Heart, SanLian Bookhouse,
(3) Man of Ideas—creators of contemporary philosophy, SanLian Bookhouse, Beijing, published in 1987(up to 2004, published 6 editions in Chinese; from 2004 to present, published 2 Chinese editions in Hongkong and
(4) Series of the Western Critical Theory in Today, consists of four books (Editor-in-Chief):
Scales of Justice, Re-imagining Political Space in a Globalizing World (Author: Nancy Fraser), 2008;
Adding Insult to Injury: Nancy Fraser with Her Critics, (Editor: Kevin Olson), 2009;
Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the “Postsocialist” Condition (Author: Nancy Fraser), 1997;
Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange (Author: Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth), 2003.
The Series was published by Shanghai People’s Publishing Company,2009.
C. Scholarly Articles
(1) “The Contest around “Recognition” between Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth: A Review on Current Years’ Debate of Political Philosophy in the Third Generation of
(2) “The Study on Western Neo-Marxism in China:A Comparison on Neo-Marxism Studies in China and the West”, 2009 International Studies of Social Sciences, vol. 13, (January 2010).
(3) “The 40th Anniversaries of
(4) “New Social Movements and
(5) “The Theoretical Shift of the Third Generation of Frankfurt School”, 2007 International Studies of Social Sciences, vol.11, (January 2008).
(6) “Abnormal Justice” (trans.) 2007 International Studies of Social Sciences, vol.11, (January 2008).
(7) “<Empire>: The Anarchistic Current and Strategy in Globalization Ages”, Foreign Social Sciences (Bimonthly, 2007.1).
(8) “The Western Neo-Marxism and the New Social Movements”, Transaction of
(9)“The Historical Summary and Theoretical Exploration on Western Neo-Marxism in 20th Century”, Marxism Research (Bimonthly, 2003.1)
(10) “liberalism: Political Philosophy and Public Policy”, Contemporary World and Socialism (Bimonthly, 2002.1)
1.姓名: 周穗明
2.工作单位 中国社会科学院哲学所
3.地址: 100732 中国 北京建国门内大街5号
1973-1976 就读华南师范学院政教系
1976-1979 广东省政府科教办干事
1979-1982 华南师范大学哲学所硕士研究生, 1982年取得哲学硕士学位
1982-1985 华南师范大学哲学研究所任教,1983年获讲师职称
1985-1988 中国人民大学哲学系博士研究生,1988年取得哲学博士学位
1988-2001 中央编译局当代马克思主义研究所工作,1990年获副研究员职称,1995年获研究员职称
2001-现在 中国社会科学院研究员,2001年-2006年在马列所工作,2006年起在哲学所工作
6. 学术职称: 研究员
7. 专业领域: 政治哲学 西方新马克思主义
8. 研究项目
2001-2003 主持国家社会科学基金项目:“20世纪西方新马克思主义发展史”,已结项并出版;
2002-2005 主持中国社科院 B类重大课题:“20世纪末西方新马克思主义的发展”,已结项并出版;
2009起, 主持中国社科院重大课题:“当代西方政治哲学史”;
9. 其他学术职务与荣誉
1998 获国务院突出贡献政府特殊津贴
2002-2005 任中国社会科学院正高级职称评定委员会(哲学片)成员
(1) 主要著作
《20世纪西方新马克思主义发展史》(上下), 学习出版社,2004年(主持人兼主撰);
(2) 主要译著
《再分配,还是承认?一个政治哲学对话》(Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange),上海人民出版社,2009年;
《思想家——当代哲学的创造者们》(Man of Ideas—creators of contemporary philosophy),三联书店,1987年(第一译者,与翁寒松合译)。该书至2004年,在国内已经再版6次;从1993年至今,已在香港、台湾出多个版本;
《心灵的习性——美国人的心理习惯》(Habits of the Heart),三联书店,1991年(第一译者,与翁寒松合译);
A.《正义的尺度——全球化世界中政治空间的再认识》(Scales of Justice, 2008);
B.《伤害+侮辱——争论中的再分配、承认和代表权》(Adding Insult to Injury: Nancy Fraser with Her Critics,2009);
C.《正义的中断——对“后社会主义”状况的批判性反思》(Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the "Postsocialist" Condition,1997);
D.《再分配,还是承认?一个政治哲学对话》(Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange,2003)
(3) 主要论文
《“新马克思主义”百年纵横的历史总结与理论探讨》, 载《马克思主义研究》2003年第1期;
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information:
1.Family name Zhou
2.First name Suiming
3.Nationality P. R. China
4.Gender Female
Professional Date
1. Name and address of work
Tel , Fax, E-mail
Tel.: 0086-10-62712127; 13020034253
Fax: 0086-10-62712127
2. Brief statement of scientific career
1973-1976 Graduated from
1976-1979 Government Official, Guangdong Province Government of China (Scientific and Educational office)
1982-1985 Lecturer,
1985-1988 Ph.D. (philosophy), Department of Philosophy, China People’s University
1988-2001 Associate Research Fellow in 1990 and Senior Research Fellow (Professor) in 1995, Central Translation Bureau of
2001-present Senior Research Fellow (Professor) in
3. Academic title Professor (Philosophy)
4. Field of specialization Political Philosophy,Theory and History of Western Neo-Marxism, Philosophy of Social Science
5. Research projects
Take Charge of the Project issued by National Foundation-- “Western Left’s Critique on Western Modernization”, 1996-1999 (Completed and Published).
Take Charge of the Project issued by National Foundation—“The History of Western Neo-Marxism in 20th Century”, 2000-2003 (Completed and Published).
Take Charge of the Momentous Program(B)issued by CASS (CHINESE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES)-- “Evolvement of Western Neo-Marxism in late 20 Century”, 2002-2005 (Completed and Published).
Take Charge of the Momentous Program(B)issued by CASS-- “ Western Lefts on Evolvement of Social Structure in Contemporary West”, 2005-2007 (Completed and Published).
Take Charge of the Momentous Program issued by CASS--“The History of Political Philosophy in Contemporary West”, 2009-2012.
6. Fellowships and Honors
1998 Got the Title“National Specialist with Eminent Contribution”, Awarded by the State Council of P. R. China
2002-2005 Appointed the Member of a Committee Which Assess and Confirm the Qualification of Senior Research Fellow (Professor) in CASS
Summer 2006- present
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Social Science in Southwest University of Finance and Economics; Visiting Professor,
Autumn 2006 Visiting Professor of Graduate Faculty of Marxism in
7. Knowledge of languages I can read, hear, write, speak in English, making academic exchanges with western scholars.
8. Main publications
I have been already published 20 books and more than 240 papers since 1982, lately main publications include:
A. Books
(1) The Evolvement of Western Neo-Marxism in late 20 century; Study Press,
(2) The Evolvement History of Western Neo-Marxism in 20th Century (2 Vol.), Study Press,
(3) Modernization: History, Theory and Reality--Critique on Western Modernization, Central Broadcast and Television Press, Beijing, published in 2002
(4) The Forerunners of Neo-Marxism, Central Translation Press,
(5) The Western Lefts on Evolvement of Social Structure in the Contemporary West, (Editor-in-Chief), Jiangsu People’s Publishing Company,published in 2008
B. Translation Books
(1) Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange (Author: Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth),Shanghai People's Publishing Company,published in 2009
(2) Habits of the Heart, SanLian Bookhouse,
(3) Man of Ideas—creators of contemporary philosophy, SanLian Bookhouse, Beijing, published in 1987(up to 2004, published 6 editions in Chinese; from 2004 to present, published 2 Chinese editions in Hongkong and
(4) Series of the Western Critical Theory in Today, consists of four books (Editor-in-Chief):
Scales of Justice, Re-imagining Political Space in a Globalizing World (Author: Nancy Fraser), 2008;
Adding Insult to Injury: Nancy Fraser with Her Critics, (Editor: Kevin Olson), 2009;
Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the “Postsocialist” Condition (Author: Nancy Fraser), 1997;
Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange (Author: Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth), 2003.
The Series was published by Shanghai People’s Publishing Company,2009.
C. Scholarly Articles
(1) “The Contest around “Recognition” between Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth: A Review on Current Years’ Debate of Political Philosophy in the Third Generation of
(2) “The Study on Western Neo-Marxism in China:A Comparison on Neo-Marxism Studies in China and the West”, 2009 International Studies of Social Sciences, vol. 13, (January 2010).
(3) “The 40th Anniversaries of
(4) “New Social Movements and
(5) “The Theoretical Shift of the Third Generation of Frankfurt School”, 2007 International Studies of Social Sciences, vol.11, (January 2008).
(6) “Abnormal Justice” (trans.) 2007 International Studies of Social Sciences, vol.11, (January 2008).
(7) “<Empire>: The Anarchistic Current and Strategy in Globalization Ages”, Foreign Social Sciences (Bimonthly, 2007.1).
(8) “The Western Neo-Marxism and the New Social Movements”, Transaction of
(9)“The Historical Summary and Theoretical Exploration on Western Neo-Marxism in 20th Century”, Marxism Research (Bimonthly, 2003.1)
(10) “liberalism: Political Philosophy and Public Policy”, Contemporary World and Socialism (Bimonthly, 2002.1)